Bien-être physique

How to prepare your body before the sunny days?

Comment préparer son corps avant les beaux jours ?

During winter, animals hibernate and well, for our body it's a bit the same... With the arrival of sunny days, the desire to resume sporting activity is felt. But how can you help the body get back into shape? Discover our tips in this article.

No. 1: Adapt your diet

During the winter and especially during the end-of-year holidays, we tend to eat a lot, particularly fatty foods (raclette, fondue, etc.). The body needs to regain lightness and in this way it can be more effective when recovering after a sporting activity. It is therefore important to return to a healthier diet: seasonal fruits and vegetables, fish, etc. Take the time to cook delicious meals and avoid processed products as much as possible! Beyond a good diet, hydration will be just as important.

No. 2: Detoxify your body

As we have just seen, the body has undergone a lot during the winter. In addition, the body must also fight against all viruses. It is possible that certain organs are saturated such as the liver, for example, which helps, among other things, to eliminate toxins. Doing a detox is an excellent way to help the body regain strength and vitality. Several plants are ideal for this: birch sap, burdock especially for the complexion, black radish to detoxify the liver but also nettle, dandelion and even fennel.

Drinking a large glass of water when you wake up helps activate all the body's functions before starting your day. You can also drink lemon juice in lukewarm water to detoxify your body.

No. 3: Get back in motion

Before returning to sport, start with a few exercises. Indeed, it is important to start gently to avoid injuries. For example, you can go for a walk, do a morning yoga session, go swimming, etc. Once your body is ready, you can resume your sporting activity or start a new one, why not? Don't hesitate to ask a friend or a member of your family to accompany you, your motivation will be twofold: you are doing sport and what's more, you are sharing a moment with someone important to you.

No. 4: Take care of your body

The winter has been harsh: lack of sun, vitamins, anxiety-provoking atmosphere, etc. It's high time to pamper yourself! Taking time for yourself is essential and it's the key to feeling good in your body! For example, getting a massage is ideal for waking up your body after winter. Massages help blood circulation, boost cells, relieve tension, in short, improve the functioning of the body. Meditation, yoga, energy treatments are also good ways to regain balance in the body. You can also organize a day in a spa, the sauna and hammam help release toxins and bacteria from the body.

No. 5: Use natural remedies rich in silica

What's better to prepare your body than natural remedies? And one in particular: silica! Indeed, silica helps preserve its flexibility and mobility. With winter and the lack of activity, we sometimes feel a little “rusty”.

Silica helps nourish our joint system: it is involved in the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which ensure the flexibility and resistance of connective tissues which are the “soft” tissues of the body and which allow us to have good cartilage, beautiful skin, beautiful hair, strong nails, flexible tendons and ligaments.

What is silica?

Silica comes from silicon, a mineral considered the 2nd most abundant element in the environment after oxygen. To make it assimilated by the human body, it must be transformed. The roots of the plants will assimilate the silicon contained in the soil to develop and strengthen themselves. Our body naturally contains this mineral but faced with excessive and repeated stress, our joints, muscles and skin regenerate less well. It is therefore important to ensure that our contribution is sufficient.

Natural remedies based on silica

There are many plants that provide silica: cereals (except corn), millet, beet and cane sugar, pollen, garlic, shallots, radishes, dandelion, Jerusalem artichoke, olives. , most fruits (mainly in their skin), and also, nettle, horsetail, bamboo, etc.

The nettle, for example, is not only a plant that invades our gardens, it has many virtues but above all it is renowned for its richness in silica! Perfectly assimilated by our body, it helps maintain joints, muscles and tendons and contributes to clear skin. Doing a nettle-silica treatment once or twice a year can be a real support for our body.

You can also complete your nettle-silica treatment with localized massage applications on the skin. Indeed, nettle-silica also exists in the form of gels for targeted action on certain areas of the body.

To reinforce their actions, other plants and essential oils are added such as red vine, arnica, immortelle, algae, etc. The gels will help refresh tired legs and help regain their tone. But that's not all ! They contribute to the elimination of localized toxins to firm the skin tissues.

The combination of nettle-silica orally and external gels allows you to regain strength and vitality!



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