Équilibre émotionnel

How to overcome your fear?

Comment vaincre sa peur avec les Fleurs de Bach ?

How do Bach Flowers help to overcome fear?

Fear of the dark, fear of flying, fear of an animal or even of someone : fear can arise at different times in our lives. Some fears can become cumbersome and turn into anxiety and phobia. Discover in this article how to overcome your fear with our advice.

As explained previously in our article on anger, all emotions are fleeting. However, it is essential to analyze and understand what led us to feel it in order to better experience it and avoid reproducing this situation.

What is fear?

Before learning how to overcome your fear, you must understand this feeling. Fear is one of the primary emotions and manifests itself when the situation is beyond our control or when we no longer have or think we no longer have control . Fear forces us to get to safety, this emotion invites us to make decisions quickly in order to escape a situation. If it is not heard, other emotions could appear such as anger or sadness. Fear is a warning that is essential to understand and analyze.

However, fear can be positive and stimulating, such as before an exam or an important event. Originally, fear is positive. Indeed, it allowed prehistoric man to survive, guided by his reptilian brain. It is an emotional alarm signal that cannot be controlled, it is automatic. Thanks to this, we are able to gather resources to overcome the situation, the ordeal.

But this is not the case for everyone, some may feel paralyzed, unable to react to an external stimulus. In this case, we will speak of phobia . One in 10 people suffer from a phobia. If this is your case, do not hesitate to surround yourself with a professional such as a psychologist in order to get help. Talking about it can help you move forward.

Fear is also felt in the body : increased heart rate, sweating, dizziness, hot flashes, abdominal discomfort or even a feeling of suffocation. Each person will have a different way of reacting. Indeed, experience, hormones and heredity are factors that influence our reactions.

Accepting and understanding your emotions will allow you to get the most out of them and be able to soothe them, to better overcome fear.

Where does the feeling of fear come from?

As with anger, identifying the sources of your fear is necessary in order to put in place ways to make it disappear or at least reduce it. These sources can be everyday objects or situations. Once identified, it will be easier for you to work on them.

Once you have identified the source of your fear, determine exactly what it is that scares you . If you are afraid of flying, identify more precisely what scares you: takeoff, being in a closed space, not having enough space, etc. Your brain will be able to adapt and adjust its responses.

How to overcome your fear?

Get informed

Getting informed is the first step in learning how to overcome your fear. The more information and knowledge you have about a subject, the fewer doubts and fears you will have. It is also important to prepare well, for example, for an exam or any other event that generates fear. In this way, you will be more reassured.

Taming your fear

When your fear is identified and you have informed yourself as much as possible, it is time to tame your fear . If it is still too difficult for you, you can do it virtually. Indeed, researchers have developed an application "Phobys" to support people who are looking for how to overcome fear . This application is based on exposure therapy, the patient learns to manage his fear by confronting the subject of his phobia. Phobys was created with the aim of helping people with arachnophobia.

However, you will have to be careful to go there little by little and not force yourself, wait until you are ready. The key word is to listen to yourself.


Learning relaxation techniques can help overcome your fear. Several techniques exist such as cardiac coherence, complete breathing that you can practice while doing yoga or even sophrology. While breathing, imagine that your breathing goes through your whole body: legs, stomach, chest, shoulders, etc. By using these techniques, your body will relax and your mind too.

Positive visualization is also very effective since fear takes place in our minds in the form of thoughts. In fact, researchers have proven that fear is the emotion least linked to social situations. Positive visualization consists of replacing our thoughts with positive images that make us feel good. To do this, close your eyes and simply imagine.

To learn how to overcome your fear, you can also walk to relax and adopt a zen attitude . Focus on the feeling of your feet in contact with the ground, on the rhythm of your body. In this way, you can control your environment and refocus.

Accepting your fear

Everyone has their own fears that they try to overcome, so try to stop feeling guilty about yours . Fear often goes hand in hand with shame. Indeed, when we are afraid, we can feel ridiculous and this will generate this feeling of guilt . This guilt will prevent us from taking action. The body will also feel it, an internal tension will be created and all your energy will be absorbed. Nobody is perfect and we do not always know how to overcome our fear : it is normal, allow yourself to be afraid and accept yourself as you are without being afraid of rejection !

Learn how to overcome your fear with Bach Flowers

There are several natural solutions to calm your anger, including Bach Flowers . Discovered in the 1930s by an English homeopath, Doctor Bach, these flowers have a higher vibrational state than other plants to respond favorably to difficult emotions. Managing emotions with Bach Flowers offers a natural solution to find more emotional balance, take care of yourself and learn how to overcome your fear!

Bach Flower No. 20 Mimulus / Mimule

The Bach Flower Mimulus or Mimule is one of the first to have been discovered by Doctor Bach. This yellow flower, the color of the solar plexus, grows at the edge of the water. Very fragile, this flower always manages to straighten up and raise its head to get out of the water. This is why it is associated with fear and even very specific and blocking fears such as: planes, spiders, storms, the dark, etc. These are often fears that we do not talk about to others, that we suffer in silence. The fears of young and old can then be overcome and faced. With Mimulus, we find courage and control our fears.

Bach Flower No. 26 Rock Rose

Bach Flower Rock Rose , also known as Helianthemum , is a flower used for situations of intense fear, terror or panic. It is particularly recommended for moments of crisis where anxiety becomes paralyzing. This flower intervenes to calm the mind and help to react in a more calm way to extreme situations. Whether to overcome an acute phobia or to face an emergency situation, Rock Rose supports a return to calm and helps to maintain control in moments of panic.

Bach Flower No. 2 Aspen

Bach Flower Aspen is recommended for diffuse, vague and unexplained fears. These fears, often felt as a kind of irrational anxiety, can manifest themselves without apparent cause, creating constant worry and deep insecurity. Aspen helps to soothe these intangible fears , to maintain a feeling of inner security and to dispel nocturnal anxieties or nightmares. This flower is particularly useful for those who feel anxiety without being able to clearly identify its source.

Bach Flower No. 25 Red Chestnut

Bach Flower Red Chestnut is for people who experience excessive worry for their loved ones. If you are constantly concerned about the well-being of your children, your partner or other loved ones , this flower can intervene to soothe these feelings of fear. It helps to maintain a healthy relationship with those you love, by promoting confidence in their ability to manage their own challenges. Red Chestnut thus helps to maintain a healthy emotional distance and to reduce exaggerated fears about the well-being of others. Learn to let go with Bach Flowers !

Bach Flower No. 6 Cherry Plum

Bach Flower Cherry Plum , or Prunus , is a flower intended for those who are afraid of losing control of their actions or emotions. This fear can manifest itself in the fear of acting irrationally or being overwhelmed by uncontrollable emotions. Cherry Plum helps to maintain emotional balance and avoid angry outbursts or impulsive behavior . It supports a sense of inner calm, thus allowing one to face stressful situations with greater serenity.

Bach Flower No. 29 Star of Bethlehem

Bach Flower Star of Bethlehem is often used for fears resulting from shock, trauma or painful experiences . This flower acts as a comfort to the soul, helping to soothe emotional scars left by traumatic events. It supports the emotional healing process by helping to accept and resolve deep-seated fears, such as a fear of abandonment . Star of Bethlehem is often combined with other Bach flowers in blends designed to support those going through periods of great emotional distress.


  • https://www.larousse.fr/dictionnaires/francais/peur
  • https://www.passeportsante.net/fr/Actualites/Dossiers/DossierComplexe.aspx?doc=comment-faire-diminuer-peurs
  • https://www.psychologies.com/Moi/Se-connaitre/Emotions/Articles-et-Dossiers/N-ayons-plus-peur-de-nos-emotions
  • https://www.grazia.fr
  • https://les-emotions-positives.fr/la-peur-une-emotion-normale/
  • https://www.psychologies.com/Moi/Problemes-psy/Anxiete-Phobies/Articles-et-Dossiers/Comment-lutter-contre-la-peur
  • https://www.passeportsante.net
  • https://www.marieclaire.fr/,comment-vaincre-la-peur-quand-on-est-adulte
  • https://etre-optimiste.fr/la-methode-en-3-etapes-pour-vaincre-ses-peurs/

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